Public Files

Date Type File Description and Link
02/15/2019 PDF Job Study Questions
02/15/2019 PDF Job Study Matthew Poole Chapter Summaries
02/15/2019 PDF Job Study Reprint 5401 Reference
02/15/2019 PDF Job Study Supplemental References
02/16/2019 MP3 Job Study Session 2
02/16/2019 MP3 Job Study Session 1
02/17/2019 MP3 Job Study Session 3
03/31/2019 DOC Memorial Study Questions
04/13/2019 PDF Jesus Last Week
04/14/2019 DOC R2447 - A Bottle of Spikenard, Very Costly
08/16/2019 PDF Samuel Study Questions with References (33 pages)
08/16/2019 PDF Samuel Study - Time line and Maps
08/16/2019 PDF Samuel Study Questions
08/17/2019 MP3 Samuel Study Session 1
08/17/2019 MP3 Samuel Study Session 2
08/18/2019 MP3 Samuel Study Session 3 (partial recording)
12/08/2019 PDF R4100 - Thou Crownest the Year with Thy Goodness
12/08/2019 PDF R4100 - Study Questions
12/09/2019 PDF Tabernacle Graphics